Mens Mood of the Week Novelty Socks - Black with Assorted Heel and Toes (7 Pack)
Align your feet with the days of the week with these Novelty socks by Soxy! Line these up in your sock drawer and have fun picking them out each morning. There's a pair dedicated to each day of the week and mood. The multi-coloured designs on the toes, and heels will ensure a cheery start to your day and the little ones love them!
Never be stuck for a fresh pair of socks with this handy seven-pack. Crafted from soft stretch black cotton-rich fabric, the socks feature Monday-Sunday designs, complete with colourful soles, heels and toes to make pairing a doddle.
No one will see the flash of colour hidden beneath, with shoes on they become normal black socks, But when you get home, take your shoes off and unleash the colour soles!